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This unique exercise DVD is geared towards pregnant women, yet the Follow Along Workout provided can be challenging enough for anyone using the appropriate kettlebell or dumbbell.
This is the first workout DVD designed specifically for pregnant women that incorporates kettlebells! Stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy. Recover faster and get back to your pre-pregnancy weight faster. Increase your energy, muscle tone, and prepare your body for labor!
DVD Features :
- 3 Section Follow Along Workout including modifications for all levels and stages of pregnancy
- Warm Up with Joint Mobility exercises
- Cool Down section with safe stabilizing and stretching exercises
- Easy navigation features throughout the DVD
- Lauren is 6 1/2 months pregnant in this DVD and designed this workout specifically for expecting Moms who want to prepare their bodies for delivery and stay in great shape in the process. The DVD will help you to stay fit and healthy throughout your pregnancy. All exercises provide you with the option to utilize kettlebells, dumbbells, or your body weight depending upon your level of comfort.
Some Exercises Covered Include :
- Sumo Squats
- Swings
- One Arm Rows
- Tricep Extensions
- Lunges
- Sumo Deadlift
- Kettlebell Presses
- Warm and Cool down sections to naturally energize your body
- Joint Mobility and Stretching
Lauren also provides alternative exercises without the kettlebell to substitute for your light day workout or if the weight training just gets to be too much.
Doing this workout will increase your core strength which is vitally important for the delivery of your baby. Keeping your core strong will make pushing during the delivery a breeze! Exercise during pregnancy will improve your mood and make it easier to lose weight after your baby is born. Get your flat abs back in record time without doing crunches!
Baby Bells Level: Beginner and up.
Recommendations : Kettlebell Package for Pregnant Women or Rehab, and a bench or chair.
Domestic shipping only $2.95. International shipping available.
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