Streaming version of Baby Bells 2


Presenting Baby Bells 2

The follow up to the very first Kettlebell Workout, Baby Bells, designed for pregnant women with the option to use a kettlebell during the workout.

SKU: stream11 Categories: , Product ID: 2953


Baby Bells 2 is the definitive guide to working out while pregnant, with practical, safe instruction from one of the world’s foremost authorities on kettlebell training.

Stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy.

Recover faster and get back to your pre-pregnancy weight faster. Increase Energy! Increase Muscle Tone! Prepare Your Body For Labor! The Perfect Pregnancy Kettlebell Workouts are under 25 minutes.

Practice Pregnancy Friendly Exercises with instruction throughout such as: Sumo Deadlifts (off centered), Band Pull aparts, Rows, Towel Swings Goblet Squats, Elevated Push-ups, Bottoms Up Press, One Arm Rows, and Push Presses.